Rabu, 01 Desember 2021

Turn Dining Room Into Bedroom

Turn Dining Room Into Bedroom

Are you loving the "At Home With"  series as much as I am? If so, hold on to your crafting britches because tomorrow the Queen of the Silhouette Machine herself- Lauren from The Thinking Closet – will be joining in!

But first, I have a confession for you all today. Yes, I haven't been completely up front! You see, we had some renovations done on our house this past spring and I have YET to blog about them! #badblogger

So, today I am going to remedy that and I will be bringing you up to speed over the next couple of weeks.  Today I am going to share how we went from having a three bedroom house to a four bedroom house.

With no moving boxes. Yes, you read that right.

We went from having a three bedroom house to a four bedroom house with very little money and very little headache!


Read on to see how we converted our three bedroom ranch home to a FOUR BEDROOM!
When we moved into our home, we used our formal dining room, for just that…. a formal dining room. (excuse this pic, it was taken when we first moved in)

As much as I LOVED having a formal dining room, it was rarely used and a complete waste of space for our family.

I blogged awhile back on how we eliminated the formal dining room and made the space a home office/mudroom.

We were so happy with our decision to make it a home office and it ended up being a GREAT use of space for our family of three!

Notice, that it worked well for the family of THREE?


As you know, we are now a family of FOUR!!!

With three bedrooms- we had a master bedroom, a nursery, and a guest room.

Wait! We needed a big boy room!!! In order to add a big boy room into the equation, we were going to have to lose having a guest room.

wah. wah. wah.

We don't get a ton of guests but enough to make this a little bit of a predicament. We thought about moving, but seriously, we still love our house and where would we go?

Hmmmm… it was time to get a little creative.

Why not rethink our space again?

So with a little engineering, we have now changed the once-dining-room-turned-home-office into a guest room!

I must admit, this was one of those decisions that made me squirm.

Would it turn out OK?

Is this too weird?

What if I hated it?

But I am glad we went for it because it is already functioning great for our family!

All we had to do was close off the entrance into the space from the foyer and reattach the door that we had removed from the hallway. We also had the contractor build out a little closet in the room – BONUS: Extra Storage!

And now we have a FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE !

Here are some before and afters of the foyer so you can see the evolution of this space!

Here is the entry when we first moved in:

And here it was up until about a month ago:

See that opening on the wall on the right there?

The big space that led into the dining room turned home office? We closed that wall off completely.

View of wall from new guest room-

Now the wall looks like this!

BOOM! We have four bedrooms!

AND the entry wall is a a blank slate to play with!

I just need to figure out how to tackle this foyer. I really really really want to do something BOLD. Something that makes a statement. Something that is memorable, classy, and welcoming.

I am still working on pulling the new guest room together (it's on the other side of that wall!) but hope to be back soon with more updates soon.

OK, so what do you think?

Crazy or Genius?

Click image below to see how we originally converted the formal dining room to a home office:

Turn Dining Room Into Bedroom

Source: https://southernstateofmindblog.com/how-we-gained-bedroom-no-moving-boxes/


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